Provide a todo based onboarding

Provide a todo list to your new users to complete a set of tasks to finish their onboarding.


This is an onboarding flow goal, to get started this goal requires a series of events to be setup throughout your SAAS product.

When the user has completed each task, the event will notify use that the task is complete and in turn mark the todo in the widget as complete.

Goal user flow

Page match /app/* (depends on your SAAS homepage)

Show a todo widget

User clicks on a task in the widget, navigate to the page

Show a tooltip widget to introduce feature

On feature setup, event is fired

Task is complete

User clicks on a task in the widget, navigate to the page

Show a tooltip widget to introduce feature

On feature setup, event is fired

Task is complete

Once all tasks complete

Goal reached 🎉

User clicks on a task in the widget, navigate to the page

Show a tooltip widget to introduce feature

On feature setup, event is fired

Task is complete

In this goal we are onboarding your users into different features your SAAS provides. The goal requires setting up completion events that Embedery can subscribe too, once a user finishes the task, the event is fired and the widget updates to show that the task is completed.

You can also add in additional onboarding widgets when you user is onboarding into a feature, such as a tooltip or panel highlighting.

Once all tasks have been completed, your user is onboarded and the goal has been reached.

Some add-ons to this goal could include sending emails if your users fail to onboard after a few days or adding more informative elements to enhance their experience.


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