Embedery App update, February 2023

We have tons of new and exciting changes to Embedery.

February has been another great and productive month for Embedery, below is a list of the new additions to our platform.

The Inbox

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We have introduced a new inbox tab to help you see the latest in your space. With the Inbox tab, you will see submissions from your popups and other elements.

We will be developing this tab over time to become even more valuable.

Layout refinements

We have refined the overall admin layout to define the main sections of your space vs the configuration sections.

With this update we added a new space called properties, here you will be able to define each website you wish to include Embedery on. The more the platform knows about your properties the better we can curate templates and solutions.

Static Reports

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To help reveal how your goals and your overall space are performing, we have added a new tab called “reports”. Over time we will open this up and allow you to quickly build any report you wish. To easily invite your team also to contribute.

More coming soon.

Plus smaller changes

We have also applied more minor changes to continue improving Embedery to make it great.


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